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 Пресс-релизы Danmark ABS  (Страница: 1)
13/05/2024 17:13:39 - Fixture list for season 52-53

1. Dennis Simonsen Full training on him.
2. Oliver Algreen Unfortunately, Routine is missing
3. Yasin Forsing Backup for our ABS National Team
4. Available defense position for ABS


1. Jørgen Fenger-Larsen ABS Player season 52-53 focus on form
2. Erik Mathiesen The owner must keep the focus on form
3. Erik Jessen The owner must keep the focus on form
4. Jerry Mirabel Position Training will be good for his ABS career
5. Kaspar Richter The owner must keep the focus on form
6. Kent Ankerdal ABS Player season 52-53-54 focus on form
7. Available defense position for ABS


1. Rune Serritslev The owner must keep the focus on form
2. Jonathan Lam ABS Player season 52-53 focus on form
3. Denni Jakobsen The owner must keep the focus on form
4. Jonas Tømre The owner must keep the focus on form
5. René Schmidt Position Training will be good for his ABS career
6. Available defense position for ABS

Wing players

1. James Olsen The owner must keep the focus on form
2. Peter Lam ABS Player season 52-53 focus on form
3. Walter Wieghorst The owner must keep the focus on form
4. Ronnie Bronée The owner must keep the focus on form
5. Available defense position for ABS


1. Dribelius Algreen The owner must keep the focus on form
2. Taisto Troest The owner must keep the focus on form
3. Christopher Qvist Full training on him.
4. Stein Kjær The owner must keep the focus on form
5. Stig Mehl The owner must keep the focus on form
6. Available defense position for ABS

There may be changes if a new and useful game appears for our Database.

With best regards

Zornig & Jever
22/04/2024 08:04:15 - WM er nu over for ABS Danmark vedkommen......
02/10/2023 09:37:32 - Former U21 player is wanted for the Database
03/09/2023 20:10:45 - Mærklig kamp i dag...
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27/02/2023 15:08:31 - The future
22/01/2023 19:15:07 - Vm Finale !
20/01/2023 21:04:47 - Vm semifinale
24/03/2022 20:21:04 - VM puljen
24/03/2022 20:12:20 - Abs
21/02/2021 21:59:48 - Abs går efter Guldet !
14/02/2021 20:48:26 - Profur Rangering
06/01/2021 17:05:04 - Lodtrækning til VM !
15/03/2020 18:03:22 - Vm bold og Kval bold
12/05/2019 18:04:46 - Klar til kvartfinale !
28/04/2019 22:52:08 - VM kamp !
11/11/2018 23:18:09 - VM kval lodtrækning
12/02/2017 23:59:08 - Endnu en sejr...
05/02/2017 21:37:04 - Konge sejr !
24/07/2016 21:58:05 - 9-1..Sejr !

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