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 Пресс-релизы Global PRO U18  (Страница: 1)
03/06/2022 01:00:50 - Top 10 in europe, 11° in global pro, 1/06/2022
29/12/2013 16:48:48 - Best position ever !
28/08/2013 13:09:18 - IX-th U-18 World Championship
Dear managers, please send us your best youth players in order to prepare a team able to touch great objectives. The needs is for 16-17 yo players with a minimum Acceptable High main skill. Course will be excellent if they have also secondaries and in this case could be acceptet for evaluation even players with only Acceptable for the main skill. Please keep the players on the maximum form and play friendlies each week.
For any further information please be in touch with us on the forum.
Thank You All !
10/01/2013 18:26:06 - Players please!!!!
02/10/2011 19:51:09 - El ultimo dia de trabajo como entrenador de Jairo caicedo!!!!!!!
03/08/2011 00:47:39 - Ayuden!!!!
13/03/2011 20:03:27 - sobre el partido hellas vs global pro!!!!!!!!!
10/03/2011 07:29:25 - Partido-consejo-tactica!!!!!Party-tips-tactics
07/03/2011 01:44:04 - hola a todos!!!!!!!
26/07/2010 00:12:57 - Hola a todos/ Hi for everyone
31/12/2009 23:05:46 - Youth Player
14/12/2009 17:31:57 - Thanks everyone
16/05/2009 15:41:51 - a comfortable WM Start!
04/05/2009 11:36:43 - Send your players to the Global Pro U18 Team



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